The Municipality of Dolores lies in the central western part of the Province of Abra. It is approximately within the 120o 50’ east longitude and between 17o 34’ and 17o 40’ latitude. The municipality is bounded by the following:
North : Municipality of San Juan
East : Municipality of Lagangilang
South : Municipality of Tayum
West : Municipality of La Paz
Dolores approximately occupies an area of 4,852.725 hectares. Of the total area, 155.30 hectares are built-up areas, 3,633.645 hectares are agricultural lands, pasture lands and forests, 1022.17 hectares are rivers and creeks while 41.61 hectares are roads and road lots.
The Municipality of Dolores has a Type 1 climate under the Coronas classification and is characterized by pronounced seasons, dry from November to April and wet the rest of the year. The maximum rainfall was observed during August, while minimum was during February. The mean annual air temperature is 27ºC. The hottest month is May (28.8ºC), while the coldest is January (25ºC).